Sunday, December 8, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
This week's homework assignment
2. Write a response to the article. You can use any of the following sentence starters...
a. After reading i think that....
b. After reading the article, i found it interesting that.....
c. What really caught my attention was....
d. I think ...
Due Sunday at noon
Monday, November 11, 2013
Many people have difficult situations they have to live through. People have struggles in their
Life like being poor or having bad influences by their friends or something. In my opinion what people should do in difficult situations is that you have to ignore it.
In the story "Marigolds" lizabeth gets influenced by her friends to mess with Miss Lottie but when she sees her dad cry she goes to Miss Latties yard and destroys her garden with the marigolds.
In my opinion she should've never destroyed Miss Latties yard that was to childish of her what I would've done is ignored but I would still be mad.
There are many negative things In this world, like being poor, Or having to go through many things on your own. But, We should make our lives a little bit more positive by doing things to get the stress out of our minds. The Truth is that we all have to be strong in tough Situations. Even though We cant control the situations that happen around us.
In the story, " Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier, A girl named Lizabeth lived in a poor town, in a time called "the Great Depression" and almost everyone didn't have a job. She had tough problems when she was living her life but she always had ways to keep her mind busy. She says, " The witch was no longer a witch but only a broken old woman who dared to create beauty in the midst of ugliness and sterility". This shows that Miss lottie, (the old woman) lit up the dark room, she was positive because everyone around her in her community were being negative. She is saying that If people are going to continue to be negative all the time , No one will be happy. And if negativity continues, there won't be any happiness around in this beautiful world.
marigolds video
I didn't get to put a conclusion because I only had 30 seconds, so here is what I was going to put.
In conclusion hard times come and go but family stays right by your side.
Marigolds video
Sunday, November 10, 2013
essay quiz
In the story, " Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier, lizabeth live in a poor town, in a time call the "the Great Depression" where almost everybody didn't have a job, she had tough problems when she was living but she didn't make it boring too. She says, " The witch was no longer a witch but only a broken old woman who dared to create beauty in the midst of ugliness and sterility". This shows that Miss lottie "old woman" light up the dark room, she was positive because the town was negative, she tried to help. If people are negative all the time, positivity will be destroy because they only want to hear bad stuff; like water and soda, people like soda more than water but it is bad for you.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
In "The Incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, imagery is the device that plays a large role. He uses it when he says "I watched him him pinch one loom off and hold it to his nose- a connoisseur of roses- one bloom and then another. They strewed the earth around him." It plays a large role because the reader not only imagines this part and gets the feeling of a creepy character, but the reader imagines many other parts that make Death seem scary.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Donald Justice, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "A little cage of bone." It plays a larger role because it uses it to describe things like he was describing his hand.
In "the raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, internal conflict is the device that plays a large role. He uses it when he says,"sorrow for the lost Lenore" it plays a large role to describe his personal conflict.
In ''The incident in the Rose Garden ''By Edgar Allan Poe , imagery is the device that plays a large role .He uses it when he says , '' who because he likes arriving at all appoinments early ...'' It plays a large role because it makes you think about it when they say that.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
The Revan and The incident in the Rose Garden
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edger Allen Poe, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says,"A little cage of bone."It plays a large role becouse it make think of the think it says and it makes it mare scary.
In " the incident in the rose garden" By Edgar Allan Poe, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " he had his black coat on, black gloves, a broad black hat. " Its play a larger role because it explaining the person and if we go more detail, its in the garden about three people.
Friday, October 25, 2013
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, alliteration is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says"sir, you must be that stranger who threatened my gardener. This is my property sir. I welcome only friends here". It plays a large role because not all stanzas rhyme so they need alliteration to make them make sense.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The raven
Monday, October 21, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
that is it!
ms A
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Facts about Poem/Poet
Friday, October 18, 2013
Don't forget to cite your sources!!!
If you are copying and pasting, make sure you put the content in quotation marks. Also, cut
and paste the URL of the website you used!
On another note, if the fact you want to post is already posted by another student, you cannot post it. Also, if I discussed a fact in class, you cannot post it either.
Don't forget to cite your sources!
On another note, if the fact you want to post is already posted by another student, you cannot post it. Also, if I discussed a fact in class, you cannot post it either.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Anti-Bullying Persuasive Ad
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Hello friends. My name is Diana, I am 14 years old, and a freshman at Sweetwater High School. I enjoy listening to music and play the piano.My favorite subject is Science. I am in the Academic Decathlon at my school and of course, science is one of my strengths. Some of the music I am into is mostly indie, and rock. The bands I mostly listen to are Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sublime, Pink Floyd, Atmosphere, 311, and other stuff but I won't list all of it. Some things I like to do on my free time is head out with my friends and do very, very stupid things, but still have fun.
I'm very easy going, and people usually tell me I'm really nice. I have two cats and I love them very much. The one in the picture is named Shellie.
Monday, August 26, 2013

Advertisement ;)
The writer uses ancedote in the advertisement. They try to convince you the product by showing how stylish your eyelashes. This makes me want to buy the product because I would like to see how it would look.
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Alfredo Andujar
In this picture above it shows Ethos , Because is trying to inform people that smoking could lead you to death . How ever this girl/guy skeleton is all messed up due to smoking a lot you can tell by looking at his teeths. Smoking is really bad it could your body many problems and also can affect your brain it can bring you many health problems such as cancer and all those bad things you can get for smoking . Also , smoking doesn't just affect the person doing it it also affects the people around them if they smell the smoke coming out of a cigarette , especially if their little kids it cause them many problems with health . As you can see smoking is really bad for you don't do it and live your life healthy .
Saturday, August 24, 2013
In this advertisement, the author uses a rhetorical question to make the audience feel bad about wanting to help a panda more than these animals. Seeing this, the audience will have empathy for these sea creatures and will want to contribute to any organization that is helping them. The author used statistics as well to know that people are more likely to help a panda and used pathos to have a change in the audience's emotions.
Blog About an Ad
Blog #3 (goal)
Friday, August 23, 2013
quit smoking now . |
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Now that I am a freshman I want to start my year great no bad grades and be responsible and other stuff.My goal that i want to work on is get straight A's or B's but its going to be hard so I am going to try my best. What i am going to do is study more and retake test for a better grade.What is going to be a challenge for me is get those grades. I want this achievement so i could get a better learning and go to a good university. That is one of my goals for this year, i could get better along the way of my learning.I know i am going to reach this goal because i have allot of help from my teachers and I want my grades to be on track.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Alfredo Andujar
My Goals.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
My Goals for Success
going to get good grades is by not being lazy as usual. I need to stop being lazy by not playing with my ipod. Sometime I remember the homework but don't feel like doing it. Since I have football practice, time is precious. I can't not lose any more time. Also I want to get a better grade in English because it my weakest subject. Last year I got a C in English. I want to raise that by a B. But I can't wish it or wanted, I need to do it. Why I want a B in English because I tired of seeing C and D in my report card. I want to say to my parents I got a B instead of a C. But it my choice if I want to achieve that or not.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
My Goal
My Personal Blog
"Looking Back" Survey
If she could travel back in time she would've changed how unfocused she was, change her attitude, and put her priorities in order.
The teacher that she learned the most from was Brother Mike. He gave her the insight of being spiritually inclined with herself, and she realized how selfish she was.
The advice she'd give a student to help them have a good high school experience would be that high school is a great learning adventure to focus and to be open minded. The fun never ends.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
My dad told me that the most important things he learned from school was algebra and metodology (the study of human behavior.My dad learned about algebra bye predicting problems and solving. He learned motodology bye reading a lot.
If my dad went back in time he explained to me that he wouldn't change anything on his own behavior . He was a good student and was always willing to read but he would help the school build a new library.
. Chemestry is what my dad learned the most by good explanations he listened and a lot of participation.
The advice my dad would give t any student is to enjoy every class and always participate
goal as a student
Alfredo Andujar
1) To always pay attention in class and do all work. They were important because withouth directions you don't know what to do.
2)She would change her study habit. To have made her high school experience better, she would of hung out Wih people who are more into school
3) She doesn't really know what teacher learned from the best, it was mostly the same.
4) The advice she would give is to pay attention and hang out with people who are more into school.