Sunday, November 10, 2013

essay quiz

      There's a lot of negative things, like being poor, smoking, homelessness, hunger, or having babies at a young age. People are always finding bad things all the time. We should  make our lives better by doing something fun.  Why is it hard to be positive? Maybe its peer pressure or getting bad influences from people, maybe your parents, friends, or living in a bad place. Why do we like negative things, like in the news when they talk about negative outcomes because it bores us to listen good stuff. We should be more positive, like don't hang around with negative people because pretty soon, you be one of them.
       In the story, " Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier, lizabeth live in a poor town, in a time call the "the Great Depression" where almost everybody didn't have a job, she had tough problems when she was living but she didn't make it boring too. She says, " The witch was no longer a witch but only a broken old woman who dared to create beauty in the midst of ugliness and sterility". This shows that Miss lottie "old woman" light up the dark room, she was positive because  the town was negative, she tried to help. If people are negative all the time, positivity will be destroy because they only want to hear bad stuff; like water and soda, people like soda more than water but it is bad for you.

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