Thursday, April 24, 2014

facts on Amish

Due on Friday 4/25

-Please find at least 5 facts about Amish people.
-If a fact is already posted by your classmates, it will not count.
-Make sure you copy and paste the URL of the site you used for your information.
-comment on this post to write your response.



  1. 1) Most Amish would probably consider themselves to be Anabaptists
    2)Some consider them conservative Protestants
    3)The Amish are enthusiastic supporters of the principle of separation of church and state.
    4)Their faith forbids the swearing of oaths in courts; they make affirmations of truth instead
    5)Members usually speak a German dialect called Pennsylvania Dutch

  2. -Everybody knows that the horse and buggy is the icon of the Amish Culture.

    -Amish began emigrating to North America early in the 18th century, in large part to avoid religious persecution and compulsory military service. They first settled in eastern Pennsylvania, where a large settlement remains today.
    -Amish religious beliefs are similar to the Mennonites and other religious reformers. They believe in the importance of individual Bible study and the necessity of living a life free of sin after adult baptism.
    -Amish children attend one-room schools run by the community and they attend school only through the eighth grade. School classes are in English and focus on the basics of reading, writing, and math, along with Amish history, farming techniques and homemaking skills.
    -Rumspringa is the Amish term for adolescence and the period leading up to serious courtship during which rules may be relaxed a little.

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    1. hhahahahahahahahahah I wonder why!?

    -The Amish women are far from lazy when it comes to cooking
    -The Amish consider style and fashion to be vain.
    -The Amish quickly settled into farming because this rural lifestyle made it easier for them to keep their distance from religious non-believers.
    -The Amish do not use electricity, so all of their baking is done from ovens fueled by natural gas.
    -The main crops grown by the Amish in Lancaster County are corn, hay, wheat, tobacco, soybeans, barley, and potatoes

  5. -Amish people tend to get around on horses.
    -Amish couples usually do something called bundling, they put a wooden board between their bed to prevent them from touching eachother.
    -They also have something called the ordnung, that tells them both religious and civil rules they have to follow
    -Married amish men have to grow a beard, but mustaches are forbidden
    -They have a much higher rate of genetic disorders due to interbreeding.

  6. •The Amish have an unwritten code of conduct called the Ordnung.

    •The Ordnung stresses the virtues of humility, obedience, and simplicity.

    •The Amish are strict pacifists and are strongly opposed to any form of violence.

    •Their chief tenet is, “Be ye not conformed to this world.”

    •The Amish, like all Anabaptists, believe in adult baptism, as opposed to baptizing babies who cannot choose for themselves.
