Sunday, April 27, 2014

5 Interesting facts about Amish

  1. Amish do not have their picture taken because they believe that photographs are "graven" images, some wont mind if their faces arent showing.
  2. Amish dont play musical instruments because it is viewed as self-expression which would garner feelings of pride& superiority
  3. The Amish are only allowed to marry once after they are baptized.
  4. Amish have retained the custom of having faceless dolls, which appear to their critical perspectives on pride & vanity.
  5. They operate one-room parochial schools that are taught with eighth-grade education.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

1.When Amish children turn 16, the rules change. They're encouraged to experiment and explore
2.The idea is that teens will come back to the church after tasting the modern world.
3.The ages of sixteen and nineteen walk along straight country lanes that border flat fields of high cornstalks
4. The walkers converge on the home of another teenage Amish girl.
5.The border between LaGrange and Elkhart counties in north-central Indiana, is similar to those in the other major areas of Old Order Amish population 

Amish Teens Venture into Modern Vices

cool amish facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. The Amish try to avoid modern technology, such as electricity, but do not consider its use a sin. 
  2. Amish children do not got to school past eighth grade bc they don't need a lot of education to work in a farm
3. An Amish day begins at about 4:30 AM, and everyone retires for bed around 8:30 PM each night. And there are no phones, TV’s, or computers in the house.

4. Amish people do not accept any form of government assistance or serve the military or accept any kind of social security

5.Amish people do not play musical instruments (not cool)

1)The Amish church started as a breakaway from the Annabaptists in Switzerland in 1693.

2)The Ordnung is the set of rules for each Amish community.

3) The Amish believe in living a life separated from the non-Amish.

4)Their clothes are handmade and are usually of a dark fabric.

5)There are eight divisions within the Amish as a whole with the most conservative ''Old Older'' having split in the 1860's.

facts on Amish

Due on Friday 4/25

-Please find at least 5 facts about Amish people.
-If a fact is already posted by your classmates, it will not count.
-Make sure you copy and paste the URL of the site you used for your information.
-comment on this post to write your response.
