Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Looking back" survey

While I was asking my brother Braulio,  about high school and listening to his experience and advice I realized that I have to know what I really want in life.
What were two most important things you learned in high school and why were so important ?
"One was that you should always listed to your elders (teachers) because they're wise and have a lot of expience and then I learned that you should be responsible because that'll help you in the future."
What's something you regret that you did in high school ?
"I would've studied a lot more and tried more my freshman year to have the idea of what the rest of high school would be like and to get more involved in school activities."
What teacher did you learn from the most and what did you learn ?
"Mr.Ceasar because he would teach us how to be smart in school and in the real world."
What advice would you give me to help me have a good high school experience ?
"Be responsible and don't forget your goal for your future. Oh and take advantage of these years because once you're out of high school you'll be an adult."
My brother is a really good role model to me. I really appreciate every piece of advice he gives me because it really helps me.

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