This is like, super late, but this is my introduction blog.
Hello friends. My name is Diana, I am 14 years old, and a freshman at Sweetwater High School. I enjoy listening to music and play the piano.My favorite subject is Science. I am in the Academic Decathlon at my school and of course, science is one of my strengths. Some of the music I am into is mostly indie, and rock. The bands I mostly listen to are Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sublime, Pink Floyd, Atmosphere, 311, and other stuff but I won't list all of it. Some things I like to do on my free time is head out with my friends and do very, very stupid things, but still have fun.
I'm very easy going, and people usually tell me I'm really nice. I have two cats and I love them very much. The one in the picture is named Shellie.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013

The writter is using ethos as his rhetorical device.
The author is infuencing the audience
by saying that "call this number
or go to there website. Also because
he staits that the avrege of smokers
need over 5000 cigaretts.
So its making them think about
quiting smoking or they will
get addictied to smoking.
The advertisement used specific details because it has what it shows what it came with.This made me feel happy because it had zombie.This made me think i should buy it.
Advertisement ;)
The writer uses ancedote in the advertisement. They try to convince you the product by showing how stylish your eyelashes. This makes me want to buy the product because I would like to see how it would look.
In this advertisement the author uses statistics because its persuading young adults to not raise a baby because it can cost over $10,000 a year. It also uses rhetorical question because its asking teenagers if that's what they would want for life. Teenagers should also not trade their school opportunities for a child's life.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
In this advertisement it is explaining that we shouldn't use handguns. This is representing statistic because it is using facts to prove there point about handguns are dangerous. Statistic is when collecting and analyzing lots of data in large quantities. They prove it by naming places where they'd had been use where people have gotten killed. As you can see certain people shouldn't be allowed to use a handguns. In the picture it is showing us that 58 people in Israel, 52 in Canada, and 10,728 in United States have gotten killed by a handgun. I think the audience is trying to say that we need to help our selfs by stop using handguns. They show it by saying "STOP HANDGUNS BEFORE THEY STOP YOU". I think that we should be more aware of who owns handguns, they should have a background check, and be finger printed. This is why handguns are dangerous.

Alfredo Andujar
In this picture above it shows Ethos , Because is trying to inform people that smoking could lead you to death . How ever this girl/guy skeleton is all messed up due to smoking a lot you can tell by looking at his teeths. Smoking is really bad it could your body many problems and also can affect your brain it can bring you many health problems such as cancer and all those bad things you can get for smoking . Also , smoking doesn't just affect the person doing it it also affects the people around them if they smell the smoke coming out of a cigarette , especially if their little kids it cause them many problems with health . As you can see smoking is really bad for you don't do it and live your life healthy .
This ad shows ethos because it demonstrates that this man is suffering from the effects of smoking. It shows what he deals with because of smoking and that know he has to live like that for the rest of his life. It influences the audience by showing that smoking has its effects and that it should never be done.
I belive this advertisement is showing ethos because, it says that it was established in 1827 it explains that, the soap does work by showing a clean spot in the whale's back. Also, that it has been around for a long time.
This advertisement need no words to describe its message. Obviously the picture explain that smoking is not good to you or/and the people around you.Secondhand smoke is just as bad abd you can change and be better. This advertisment used pathos , it makes you feel sad for the baby trapped in a bag of smoke. This advertoisement get you to think how smoking affects people.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
In this advertisement, the author uses a rhetorical question to make the audience feel bad about wanting to help a panda more than these animals. Seeing this, the audience will have empathy for these sea creatures and will want to contribute to any organization that is helping them. The author used statistics as well to know that people are more likely to help a panda and used pathos to have a change in the audience's emotions.
Blog About an Ad
In this Advertisement it uses facts and statistics, its uses facts by saying that it kills 30 times more people than poisoning. It uses statistics by saying that its kills 30 times. In the image below it shows a Skull that symbolizes death, which the skull is made up of cigarettes which its saying that If you smoke you'll kill your self slowly and also that cigarettes kill more people than poison of any kind.
Blog #3 (goal)
When I was younger my goal would be silly things like being a princess, but now that im in highschool I found the goal I really want. This school year I want to get along with my teachers and get good grades for my own sake I want to do this. Nobody everforces me to do the things I do I take things into my own hands. After high school though I want to finish highschool and go on to a four year university to study in the medical feild. I know it takes a lot of work but im willing to go through that to go and do something I love. I'm going spicificly become a brain surgurybecause it helps people and I like helping people every sense I was small.
Friday, August 23, 2013
In this picture as you can see, it show a teenager pregnant thinking what she has done,. She staring to get scared and worried of whats going to happen next, what will her family and her friends think of her or say to her. The argument of this picture is to not have a baby at a young age because its going to be hard and say goodbye to your career and your party time because all your time is the baby nothing else.
The writer uses facts as a rhertoical device. They influence the audience by making them feel bad for the children that get harmed and how they might die from second hand smoke.
quit smoking now . |
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Now that I am a freshman I want to start my year great no bad grades and be responsible and other stuff.My goal that i want to work on is get straight A's or B's but its going to be hard so I am going to try my best. What i am going to do is study more and retake test for a better grade.What is going to be a challenge for me is get those grades. I want this achievement so i could get a better learning and go to a good university. That is one of my goals for this year, i could get better along the way of my learning.I know i am going to reach this goal because i have allot of help from my teachers and I want my grades to be on track.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Now that I am a freshman, I want to start out my experience in High School right. I want to make sure I get good grades and have fun. I also don't want to make the same mistakes I have done before such as talking during class and never getting my work done, so i'll try not to. I guess i'm doing pretty well to start off the year because I have an A in Geometry and that's a first for any math class I have ever taken. So yeah, I kind of feel pretty confident for my goals this year.
During my first year of high school I want to accomplish something that many people want to achieve,but I believe I have different reasons. I want to accomplish getting straight A's. The normal reasons are to get good grades and to go to college. Those are my reasons but I also have more, one is I want to prove people wrong. I want to make something of highschool.I want to achieve great grades and have fun in sports. I want these achievements to make a better person and to get a better vision of how my future is going to be.These are the goals that I want to accomplish during my first year of highschool.
For Freshman year, there are many goals I'd like to accomplish to become a better student and just a better person in general. However, theres one thing that I'd really like to do this year. I really want to become more involved in sports. Girls softball starts second semester so with the time I have now, I can practice to get better at it. By doing this, I'll be more experienced at playing and I'll be ready for the season to start. Once sign ups start I'm there! I'll be ready to commit time afterschool to practice. Assuming that practice will be every other day, I know that I am going to have to keep up with my school work so that I won't be behind on anything. Doing sports will also help me interact with other people. I'll be more open with others and I won't be as closed in with myself. I can't wait for second semester!
The goal I have for this year is to have good grads in all my class.I will pay attention in class and take notes.I will do all my homework on time for every class.I will not study the day before I have a test.I will not play with my Xbox as much as i all was do.
One of the goals i have for this year is having good grades. I'm going to reach this goal by studying every night for all tests. Pay attention in class and not get distracted easily. I also want good grades to make my mom proud and be the first one to go to college in my family. One last reason is to be a remodel to my sister and my cousins.
Alfredo Andujar
One Goal i want to accomplish this year is to be a better student by getting good grades in my classes also i want to be proficient on the cst's . I will accomplish this goal by doing my homework everyday paying attention in class and reading at home for at least thirty minutes.I will try to be a better student by behaving in class and outside school , i will accomplish this by following the rules and respect other students .This are my two goals for 9th grade i will try hard to accomplish them and not fail them.
One goal i would like to accomplish this year is to, get good grades and make my parents proud. To achieve this goal i'm going to read more, come prepared to class everyday, with the materials that i need. Also, if i get stuck on anything i will ask for help and talk less so i wont get distracted so easily. I want to get good grades so in return i would get anything i want. (:
In the 9th grade I want to accomplish is,I want to stop talking ad much as u do in class. I also want to improve my grades so I can play freshmen football. Those are my goals for the 9th grade.
My Goals.
One Goal
One goal I would like to set as a student is getting a scholarship. My plans so I can achieve this goal is to getting good grades by finishing all my homework and passing all my Quizzes/test/exams. Also, another way to make my goal possible is by applying for the scholarship.And lastly, In order to pass all my test/quizzes/exams is by making flashcards, and notes, with the flashcards and notes I can study and pass my quizzes.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
For my freshman year, I'd like to accomplish three things that will not only make me successful in 9th grade but will also help me start new habits for later on. First, I want to be better at studying in order to earn better grades on my tests. I'll take as many notes as I can so I can review later, then I'll review them as much as possible. Lastly, I’ll try to study with a certain person or group of
people that can motivate me and help me with any question I have. Secondly, I want
to maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher not only in freshman year but throughout high school
too. I will always study for any assessment I have no matter how much it’ll
impact my grade. Also, I will turn in any assignment I am assigned and if I have
any overdue assignment, I will turn them in as soon as possible. If I score a
grade on an assessment at impacts my grade negatively, I will try to raise it
and make up for it anyway I can. Finally, I want to be involved in school and
make a lot of new friends. I want to join clubs that not only I can enjoy, but
that will benefit me. Joining a sport can also make me make new friends and
have new experiences, I’m not sure of what sport I would like to be but I will
join a sport. Lastly, I want to be different and get to know people that will
be good influences and can help me have new experiences.
My goal
to accomplish in 9th grade is to do way better than I did in 8th
grade. Eighth grade was really difficult for me, I was barely maintaining C’s for
some of my classes. Since I am starting fresh the first thing I want to do is
accomplish my goal of maintaining a G.P.A of 3.0 or higher and getting all A’s and
B’s. By doing that I have to be able to do all my homework, turning it in on
time, arriving on time to all of my classes, pasting all my quiz/test with A’s
or B’s, and make sure to be updated on every assignment. Right now I've been
staying after school twice a week for tutoring to get my homework done and for
help. I notice that I have a D in English and I am really upset with that, so I
went to Jupiter grades and found out why. It’s because I didn't do my homework
and I didn't turn in some assignments but I now know what to do. I know I am
not the smartest person in English, but I know that I can prove to myself and
my English teacher I can get better every second. For the rest of my classes I am
doing great and I want to keep it that way by studying for every quiz/test I take
and doing my homework. I am going to try my very best because I want to prove
to my family that I am able to get really good grades and have G.P.A of 3.0 or higher.
This is my way of accomplishing my goal throw out ninth grade.
For my freshman year I would like to accomplish some goals. For my first goal I will like to get better grades then last year. To do that I will try to study and pay more attention in class. For my second goal i will like to be less shy in class. I will like to raise my hand with out thinking people will laugh at my question and also try to participate more in class. Another goal I will like to accomplish is to finish all my homework and turn it in an time. Also to be prepared for all my class's. so yeah that's mostly all the goals I will like to accomplish this freshman year.
My Goals for Success
My first goal I am willing to accomplish would to obtain straight A's throughout all of my classes. First, I will start by studying harder resulting in an increase in my test results. Second, I will finish all homework assignments when they are due resulting in no late work. Third, I will do extra credit work if necessary to improve and maintain my grade. So in order to keep track and achieve my goal I would need to study, and do extra credit and my homework.
My goal for this school year is to get good grades like last year. Also to get a better grade for English too. I set this goal because if I want to go to college that I want, I need good grades. How am I
going to get good grades is by not being lazy as usual. I need to stop being lazy by not playing with my ipod. Sometime I remember the homework but don't feel like doing it. Since I have football practice, time is precious. I can't not lose any more time. Also I want to get a better grade in English because it my weakest subject. Last year I got a C in English. I want to raise that by a B. But I can't wish it or wanted, I need to do it. Why I want a B in English because I tired of seeing C and D in my report card. I want to say to my parents I got a B instead of a C. But it my choice if I want to achieve that or not.
going to get good grades is by not being lazy as usual. I need to stop being lazy by not playing with my ipod. Sometime I remember the homework but don't feel like doing it. Since I have football practice, time is precious. I can't not lose any more time. Also I want to get a better grade in English because it my weakest subject. Last year I got a C in English. I want to raise that by a B. But I can't wish it or wanted, I need to do it. Why I want a B in English because I tired of seeing C and D in my report card. I want to say to my parents I got a B instead of a C. But it my choice if I want to achieve that or not.
Friday, August 16, 2013
The most important goal ,I have set for myself is to get better grades in school.I will do this by making sure i'f i don't understand exactly how to do my work ,I will ask my teachers for extra help .I know that I will also have to change the way I behave at school. I need to stop talking during class and pay attention to what my teachers are saying. There are many things that i have done that keep me from achieving my goals in the past.It's always the same thing, I Don't ask for help, I talk when I shouldn't I don't take homework seriously . But now I have set this goal to do the opposite from what I use to do .And these goals will help in the future when I graduate from high school and go to college.
My goal for ninth grade is to study hard and do my homework so i can have better grades to make my parents happy to show them that i can do it, it won 't be easy to get good grades but have to get them, so i can go to college and be somebody and i know whatever i do my brothers would want to do the something that i did so have to be successful of what i do . Another goals of mine is to learn new thing in school like how use the computer better.If i don't get the job that i want, than it would be good for me because of the class that i am taking about computer would help me get a good opportunity of a job that they need someone that could use a computer very well.Another goals that i would like to happen is that i join the schools soccer team to show them what i got.
In the book of the outsiders reminds me of my friends that i grow up with, like in the story. When i was little my friends were like brothers to me., We understand each other when it comes to a problem. we take care of each other like the greasers did.When i am outside with my friends i feel happy and forget the trouble that i did at home.Sometimes when it gets dark and its time to go home I really didn 't want to go home, i wanted to stay outside with my friends to have fun. So i know how the greasers feel about each other.The one thing i can relate the book about my friends is how we like to make fun of each other like they did in the story. If i was a greasers, i would be like Soda pop with little of Pony boy on me and my friend Alex would be like Darry the bad boy, and the others well i don t know how to explain how there like the greasers in the book.
One goal that I want to accomplish is to get good grades. I am going to accomplish this goal doing all my homework,studying,and by going to school all year.
My name is Abraham Reyes I am 14 years old and i like to play video games and soccer. I also like motocross in my spare time I like to play with my X box 360 and friends online. I was born in San Diego and spent my whole life living in National City with my mom and dad and two brothers Fernando the oldest and Christopher the youngest. Something that I really like about my parents is that they are hard workers my dad works all day to be able to maintain me and my family. I also like to work with my dad but not all times because I am just to lazy. Something that I have always desire for is a dirt bike i am not sure why I like them but I have always dreamed on having one maybe because they are fast and awesome! The school that I went to in elementary was olive wood then in middle school I went to National City Middle and know I am a Red Devil at SweetWater High school.
I interview my brother Fernando Reyes I asked him what advice would you give to a student to help him/her have a good school experience? He responded read a lot,take notes during class,and miss school.
The two most
important things my mom learned in high school was having a good education and
go to college. She told me that if we get a good education than it will help us
go to college. If we go to college then it will help us get a great job. She
learned this from her teachers, counselor, and parents who taught her wisely.
If my mom where to travel back in time she would’ve wanted to listen to others more
often, trying to take their advice, and let them guide her to be even more
successful. She went to Chula Vista high school and the teacher she learned the
most was her English teacher Mrs. Calderon. My mom learned from her is to be responsible
and having a good career. The advice my mom gave to me and us is to always have
good grades and school is your number one priority in order to be successful in
Thursday, August 15, 2013
My Goal
My goal this year is to get good grades! It's really hard for me, but I know I can do it. I have a lot of help and support from my teachers and family so I know I'll be able to get passing grades. I've always struggled with keeping up my grades therefore, I want to make getting good grades and staying on track one of my goals for this semester and year. I know it's really important and by keeping up my grades I'm able to stay in football and that's my goal because I really enjoy it.
My Personal Blog
Hey my name is Austin, I'm 95 percent puertorican, 5 percent white and I'm a student at Sweetwater Highschool. I play the trumpet for the Mariachi advanced performing arts class and I'm also the quarterback for the Freshman football team. I'm also in the ROTC program and so far I'm loving it! I also enjoy playing soccer and working out on my days off from football practices. I have a very large loving and supporting family and love hanging with my bestfriend, aka my OG big sister Malen. This is me and my G blessed life. Peace ✌
"Looking Back" Survey
The person I interviewed was my mom. The two or three important things she had learned in high school was that if she actually focused in school, she would've succeeded. And that family is important, and that she shouldn't take advantage of how much they care for her. In addition to that, she headed in the wrong direction because of peer pressure.
If she could travel back in time she would've changed how unfocused she was, change her attitude, and put her priorities in order.
The teacher that she learned the most from was Brother Mike. He gave her the insight of being spiritually inclined with herself, and she realized how selfish she was.
The advice she'd give a student to help them have a good high school experience would be that high school is a great learning adventure to focus and to be open minded. The fun never ends.
If she could travel back in time she would've changed how unfocused she was, change her attitude, and put her priorities in order.
The teacher that she learned the most from was Brother Mike. He gave her the insight of being spiritually inclined with herself, and she realized how selfish she was.
The advice she'd give a student to help them have a good high school experience would be that high school is a great learning adventure to focus and to be open minded. The fun never ends.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
looking back survey I did the survey on my cousin Kevin he is in college.He said not to procrastinate because all the work will sack up,study for test and keep your grade over c..He also said to turn in all the homework me and be lazy.The teacher he learned lot for was his advisory teacher because she showed him how to be organize.He said not to be lazy and turn every thing in time.
The person i had interviewed was my dad , "Roberto Rangel".
My dad told me that the most important things he learned from school was algebra and metodology (the study of human behavior.My dad learned about algebra bye predicting problems and solving. He learned motodology bye reading a lot.
If my dad went back in time he explained to me that he wouldn't change anything on his own behavior . He was a good student and was always willing to read but he would help the school build a new library.
. Chemestry is what my dad learned the most by good explanations he listened and a lot of participation.
The advice my dad would give t any student is to enjoy every class and always participate
My dad told me that the most important things he learned from school was algebra and metodology (the study of human behavior.My dad learned about algebra bye predicting problems and solving. He learned motodology bye reading a lot.
If my dad went back in time he explained to me that he wouldn't change anything on his own behavior . He was a good student and was always willing to read but he would help the school build a new library.
. Chemestry is what my dad learned the most by good explanations he listened and a lot of participation.
The advice my dad would give t any student is to enjoy every class and always participate
goal as a student
One goal I have as a student is to join CSF which is a club. I believe i can achieve this goal by maintaining a gpa of 3.0 or higher. I will also try and take AP classes my sophomore, junior, and senior years. Determination and respect are the most important reasons I will achieve this goal, wearing that white robe means a lot to me, proving that when you stay focused you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
Alfredo Andujar
The Person i asked about the experiences in High school was my sister she Graduated High school two years ago when i asked her what her two most important things she learn in High school she tell me that two important things to learn in High school are to Pay attention in class and always be ready to learn ,because that's one way you can succeed and go to college . The next question i ask her was that if she could of been back in High school what would be one thing you would change she answered to pass the classes she didn't pass and that way she didn't have to go to learning center . Another question i asked her is what teacher inspired her to learn more from , however she said that her Math teacher was the one that make her believed that nothing its impossible to solve if you try hard to figured it out . The last question i asked her was , What is and advice you can give me to be successful in High school she said Just try hard on all your classes A's and B's Grades only and in order to have that i need to pay attention in class and to try to go to college .
My goal as a student is to finish highschool and to graduate and get a good career.I will achieve this goal to do better in my test scores. i will also want to get better grades in school. Lastly i will do all my homework, and finish my asignments. (:
Looking back survey. I interviewed my mom.
1) To always pay attention in class and do all work. They were important because withouth directions you don't know what to do.
2)She would change her study habit. To have made her high school experience better, she would of hung out Wih people who are more into school
3) She doesn't really know what teacher learned from the best, it was mostly the same.
4) The advice she would give is to pay attention and hang out with people who are more into school.
1) To always pay attention in class and do all work. They were important because withouth directions you don't know what to do.
2)She would change her study habit. To have made her high school experience better, she would of hung out Wih people who are more into school
3) She doesn't really know what teacher learned from the best, it was mostly the same.
4) The advice she would give is to pay attention and hang out with people who are more into school.
What I believe I would need to work on as a student is to have all my homework done. Some stuff that I'm thinking of doing to achieve this is write my homework on a calendar. Also I don't know I could ask one of my classmates and lastly I can write it down on my iPod as like an alarm so i won't forget.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Blog #2 (high school graduate)
One person I know that graduated high school is my mom. She told me everything it takes to graduate and how diffrent high school is compared to before. She explained all the studying and hard-work it takes to graduate.Before you didn't need all A-G requirnments all you needed was good grades and get all your credits(used to have to get around 44 credits) done and pass your test.(she wasn't able to go into much detail she was busy)
Blog #1 (about me)
I'm Vicki. I'm 13 I grew up in National City mostly with my sister and my grandma.My birthday in November 22,1999. MY favorite color is red.i love animal all though my favoriate is a snake. I know how to play a number of instraments. I've always had A's and B's sense 7th grade, and I'd like to say im a good student most of the time.I'm known and compared a lot to my sister, Michelle,all though we are every diffrent ,but I also have one little brother named Anthony.Anthony barley turned 7 in the begining of August.That's me and a part of my life. (:
The one person that finish high school was my dad. When I ask him what was important in high school he toll me that science and Spanish . The reason science is because he like it and the have to practice it a lot. And Spanish he want to learn it more about it . The one thing my dad toll my what he can change is to focus more in school to have a better future. The reason he pass Spanish class is because the teacher explain the lesson clearly. The advice my dad give me was to focus in school so I can complete my career.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Looking back survey
I interviewed my dad and he told me the truth of his high school experience.The most important influences in high school for my dad was to always show up on time everyday,learn from the teachers and to have respect for each person.These influences that my father selected was decided by the way he lives life today,show up at work on time,learn from others around him,and have respect for everyone he encounters.My father believes that he wouldn't change anything in high school because he lives a great life and has a loving family.My dad doesn't have a teacher he learned form the most,he learned from his parents, he learned morals, respect and love for everyone around him.My father believes to make a high school student's experience better is to have the most fun you can,get an education and to learn to be an all around person. Steven Celaya
"looking back" survey
In asking my brother Gabriel what two things he learned in high school he responded with "Always do your work on time" and "Don't forget to spend time with your friends". According to my brother these were important things to know because not doing what your suppose to causes consequences and your not able to function well when all you do is work and have no time for socializing. One thing he would have done if he could go back in time is never end up in learning center because of procastination. Mrs.Hall is a teacher that he has learned the most from because he would always ask questions, even if they were off topic and she took time to answer them. Advice that he gives not only to me, but other students as well is to participate in school events and get involved.
"Looking Back" Survey
The two most important things my sister learned in high school was that school is very, very important and not to listen to what anyone says; Don't let anyone bring you down or tell you you can't do something.
If she were able to go back in time, she would change the people she hung out with. She said that hanging out with the wrong crowd can lead you to no good. Lastly, she would also change the way she procastinated and never took school as serious as she should have. She said, "I wish I could start all over again."
The teacher she learned the most from was her history teacher during her sophomore year. He would always preach to them on how important it was to stay in school. He said that school is the key to becoming a successful person.
The advice my sister would give to us students now would be to not ditch, focus and study as much as you can, and to always try your best. Also, choose your friends wisely and just have fun because your four years of high school go by really fast!
"Looking Back" Survey
"Looking Back" Survey
Some of his two most important things he learned in High School were responsibility, and calculus. They were important because, cause you need to be responsible in a University, and calculus classes were easy because he learned it in High School. He learned them by turning in work and paying attention in class.
He would take more AP classes and he would do more extra curricular activities in order to make his High School experience better. He learned the most from Mr. Arreola. Because he made his Math classes in college easier.He said that some important, good advice in order to help make a good High School experience is that to pay attention and join a sport and clubs.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Looking back survey
The person i interviewed today was my dad. Two things that were the most important to him in his high school years were to always try your best each day and to always pay attention. Some days he would go unprepared to class and didn't pay attention and later that would affect him. If my dad could travel back in time he would change the way his peers dressed. That way appearances wouldn't matter and no one felt down or better than anyone else. The teacher he learned the most from was his math teacher because that was his favorite subject and he believed he payed more attention. What he would advise to a student to help him/her have a good high school experience is to always pay attention to everything your teachers say. Also, to always do your homework.
"Looking back" survey
While I was asking my brother Braulio, about high school and listening to his experience and advice I realized that I have to know what I really want in life.
What were two most important things you learned in high school and why were so important ?
"One was that you should always listed to your elders (teachers) because they're wise and have a lot of expience and then I learned that you should be responsible because that'll help you in the future."
What's something you regret that you did in high school ?
"I would've studied a lot more and tried more my freshman year to have the idea of what the rest of high school would be like and to get more involved in school activities."
What teacher did you learn from the most and what did you learn ?
"Mr.Ceasar because he would teach us how to be smart in school and in the real world."
What advice would you give me to help me have a good high school experience ?
"Be responsible and don't forget your goal for your future. Oh and take advantage of these years because once you're out of high school you'll be an adult."
My brother is a really good role model to me. I really appreciate every piece of advice he gives me because it really helps me.
What were two most important things you learned in high school and why were so important ?
"One was that you should always listed to your elders (teachers) because they're wise and have a lot of expience and then I learned that you should be responsible because that'll help you in the future."
What's something you regret that you did in high school ?
"I would've studied a lot more and tried more my freshman year to have the idea of what the rest of high school would be like and to get more involved in school activities."
What teacher did you learn from the most and what did you learn ?
"Mr.Ceasar because he would teach us how to be smart in school and in the real world."
What advice would you give me to help me have a good high school experience ?
"Be responsible and don't forget your goal for your future. Oh and take advantage of these years because once you're out of high school you'll be an adult."
My brother is a really good role model to me. I really appreciate every piece of advice he gives me because it really helps me.
I was thinking of interviewing my mom, but I thought that most of the students would interview their parents. That's why, I decided to interviewed my favorite aunt (like sister) that I admired. One of the reasons that I admired my aunt is because she makes good decisions, even at an early age. While some of her close friends were having kids as teens. She decided to travel around the world and continue her education. I asked her the following questions: Q: "What was the most important thing that you learned in High School? A: Learning to communicate with classmate, dedication and studying skills. Q: What would you change to make your High school experience better? A: I would join more sports, clubs and participate in school activities.Q: What Teacher did you learn the most from and why? A: One of my favorite teacher was my Physics teacher because he challenged and encouraged the students to continue the education and graduate from college, he would say "No matter how hard it gets, its worth it afterwards ." Q: What advice would you give a student to help him/her to have a good experience in High school? A: I would say "stay out of trouble as much as possible , enjoy being a kid while you can and keep in mind your goals (after high school), also don't have kids at a young age. This are some of the reason why my aunt is my role model.
Hello my name is Omar Vasquez im 14 years old and I play wide receiver and corner back for the national city diablos. not only do I play football, I play basketball to for the freshmen team but right now im on the sabers league for the city. im also into parties and having a lot of fun with my friends. I like to be out all the time instead of being home all day because staying home is to boring. im not a shy person or mean I just like to be straight out with people k bye.
The First question my mom answered was that you have to get good grades and be responsible and have a good behavior in class.This was important for me so i could graduate from high school and get a good future. The second question, this is what she told me: if i could travel back in time i could have paid more attention, focused more in school, turned in homework on time, not get bad habits and learned more about spelling because i cant really spell that good. Then, the teacher my mom learned more from was Mr. Lumbaro he showed her the things she knows and gave her life lessons and how to be positive.He also helped my mom on her home work Finally, The last question ,this is what she told me: The advice i would give is to turn in all the homework they give you and focus on you're learning and go on time to school .
Friday, August 9, 2013
First of all in the first question that my aunt answered she said to be responsible and also independent because after you finish your senior year you will receive your diploma and that's it for you. Your by yourself out in the real world. By simply focusing and taking care or business.
For the second question here is what she told me: i wouldn't have missed a day in school getting distracted by bad influence surrounding me. Instead i would've set my mind to hustle hard until i had that diploma on my hands and had a good education.
There was much going on with here school life and it says it on the third question: Many. actually Mr.Hiuabu my counselor, he never gave up on me. He just wasn't a counselor in my life but a father, friend, and a teacher. He's a legit person who continues in my path even after graduation and I'm ready to listen and learn.
I guess her life was kind of hard but she made it all the way to the end: You can be the class clown during lunch, class or passing period but when it comes to work you have to be serious and take care of business. Don't get distracted by what others have to say! just wave "hello" and let them waist their time if they want too. Always worry about yourself and no one else when its time to work.
For the second question here is what she told me: i wouldn't have missed a day in school getting distracted by bad influence surrounding me. Instead i would've set my mind to hustle hard until i had that diploma on my hands and had a good education.
There was much going on with here school life and it says it on the third question: Many. actually Mr.Hiuabu my counselor, he never gave up on me. He just wasn't a counselor in my life but a father, friend, and a teacher. He's a legit person who continues in my path even after graduation and I'm ready to listen and learn.
I guess her life was kind of hard but she made it all the way to the end: You can be the class clown during lunch, class or passing period but when it comes to work you have to be serious and take care of business. Don't get distracted by what others have to say! just wave "hello" and let them waist their time if they want too. Always worry about yourself and no one else when its time to work.
Hey, my name is Mariana Ramirez and I love to socialize with people. I am sometimes shy but it all depends if I know you or not. If I dont know you I may be shy but once I get to know you, I'm really funny and wierd.
I have been in National City seens i was in 4th grade. I've never lasted so long in one city. I would always move around so I was always the new kid in school. I did not like that , so because of that I was always the shy kid,but once I started to grow up I got less shy, which is why I'm a cheerleader now, because im not shy around people.
For my favorite food, I think it would be carne asada fries, I love the cheese on them, and the meat. I honestly only eat my moms food because i usually dont like any other peoples food. I guess seens im so used to my mom's food, I only prefer her. Also if I dont like the persons food, I wont eat the food. I can say that I'm picky, but oh well. My favorite color would be mint, I really love how it looks, its a fancy color for me.
I dont really have a favorite type of music, I like any kind. Well, except for metal, it scares me. I love to sing, so because of that I want to learn how to play the piano good,and also the ukuele. It sounds really fun. I sorta know how to play the piano, very little and I enjoy it.
I have been in National City seens i was in 4th grade. I've never lasted so long in one city. I would always move around so I was always the new kid in school. I did not like that , so because of that I was always the shy kid,but once I started to grow up I got less shy, which is why I'm a cheerleader now, because im not shy around people.
For my favorite food, I think it would be carne asada fries, I love the cheese on them, and the meat. I honestly only eat my moms food because i usually dont like any other peoples food. I guess seens im so used to my mom's food, I only prefer her. Also if I dont like the persons food, I wont eat the food. I can say that I'm picky, but oh well. My favorite color would be mint, I really love how it looks, its a fancy color for me.
I dont really have a favorite type of music, I like any kind. Well, except for metal, it scares me. I love to sing, so because of that I want to learn how to play the piano good,and also the ukuele. It sounds really fun. I sorta know how to play the piano, very little and I enjoy it.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
I don't know its just the way i am
Hello my name is Gisselle (but my friends call me Gizzelle) I was born in san diego ,but when i was small I lived with my grandma in Tulare and moved to national city to live with my mom.And now I live with my mom,step-dad,two sisters ,and little brother in national city .when to central from third through sixth grade then went to national when i was a seventh through eight grade Now i go to SweetWater I'm a freshmen . At a young really young age i admired singing its just what I like to do .whenever i'm in a bad mood or having a bad day i like to listen to Eminem it's my stress reliever .aside from that I like every type of music expect country .My favorite colors are baby blue and red they are my relaxing colors .One of my favorite type of chips are takis and flamin hot cheetos . When i was at national i had really bad grades now i want to improve my grades to B's or C's .my favorite subect in school is English .least favorite subject is Algreba . I want to improve in science and Algreba .When i graduate from high school i want to go to USC in L.A. After college i want to be a medical assiant
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Hi, my name is Alberto, Bernardo, Jerry, Lorenzo, Parra, it is a long name but that my real name, for short is Alberto or Jerry. I was born in Chula Vista but raise in National City. I'm 14 year old, also I am the second tallest in my family. My favorite sport is football but I not playing freshman football until the following season. I play Quarterback most of the time but as usual most people think I play wide receiver. The music I like to listen is old hip-hop like Run-DMC or Kurtis Blow. The reason I like it because it was the beat and the lyrics. Also I like country too. I like being active most time but sometime I get too lazy under times that I need to do things that are really important. My favorite show is Sanford and Son. I like that show because it is hilarious. Since I was little, I always wanted to go to Sweetwater, now the time have come and I feel happy to be here. Now I need to do is study for the grades that I need for the college that I want to go. Michigan University.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Hi, my name is Ricardo Cruz, and i'm fourteen years old. I was born in San Diego and grew up in National City. I'm currently a 9th grader at Sweetwater High, and i enjoy to play sports like soccer on the weekends with my family and friends. I also like to watch scary, funny, or action movies sometimes. I don't really like waking up in the morning for school every day, but it's important that I go to school and get good grades to get all the credits I need. So far, Sweetwater has gone smooth since the first day and i'm liking it. Outside of school, I like to hang out with friends and skate with them sometimes. My goal this year is to pass all my classes with a B at least and not have to go to tutoring. That is all have to say about my self right now.
Hi, my name is Jorge Rivas and I'm 14 years old. I'm much of indoor person and I like to send my time playing Xbox 360 with friends in school.My favorite game in the Xbox is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.I also have Call of Duty Black Ops 2,but I only play zombies in it.I also like to play Mine craft with my cousin online.When I'm not playing Xbox I go to my friends's house or i just use the the weekends I like to go to my cousin's house for sleep overs.same times I like to watch Pokemon in the Xbox because the t.v is much bigger then the computer scream.That all i do in my spear time.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Hi my name is Jazmin, I am 14, and was born in Los Angeles County. But soon moved to National City and have been living here since first grade. I like most colors, except pink. I consider myself a reserve person because I don't like talking about my life. But do not get me wrong because I am not shy.
Like any teen I may not agree with my parents in every decision, but I understand that it's for my own benefit and they want the best for me.
My favorite past time are playing videos games, listening to music and hanging out with family/friends. I loved listening to bands as it's like escaping the real world because it's very relaxing and stress free.
Another thing that I loved to do is watching TV with my dad such as Sports, CSI and movies. I am a roller coaster freak because of the adrenaline as watching scary movies.
I like to keep it real and simple, no drama. I am running out of ideas to write so....... bye!
Hi my name is Fatima Covarrubias and im going to tell you somethings about me. So im 14years old I live in National City. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. I love to spend time with my dog. I like to hear rock music such as Avenged Sevenfold, Pierce The Veil, Falling In Revers, Sleeping With Sirens and more. I love to watch horror movies by my self or with my friends. I love to spend time with my family and friends. I don't really talk much at school because I'm a quite and shy person. I don't really like spiders so when I see one I have to kill it .-. I like to watch Pokemon and collect cards. I have a really nice personality. I help my mom with cleaning up the house. I'm nice to people when they are also nice to me. I don't really have anything else to say so yeah that's mostly everything about me.
Alissa Gonzalez
Hello, my name is Alissa Gonzalez and I am a freshman here at Sweetwater High School. I am 14 years old, turning 15 on April 14th. Unlike other girls who are all about Facebook and makeup, I love to play video games and watch shows like The Walking Dead. I enjoy track and field and hope to join the team here at Sweetwater High. I attended National City Middle School my 7th and 8th grade school years. I hope to prove people wrong and graduate here showing everyone that Sweetwater is better than all the stereotype things that most people hear. I have a 2 year old German Shepard that still believes he is a puppy. My goal in life is to become an EMT since i enjoy helping people in need and the excitement of the unknowing of events.
Hi, I am
Karina Ahumada and I am 14 years old. I am a freshman at Sweetwater high school.
I was born in San Diego and I’m Hispanic. Everyone who meets me always think
that I am one of those people who are quiet, and shy. When they actually get to
know me I am weird, crazy, funny, and random. I been doing cheer for six year, this
year is going to be my seventh year, and I am a cheerleader for SUHI. I love
listening to music and my favorite artist has to be Bruno Mars. I have two wonderful
brothers, which I look up to; they teach me how to be strong, caring for one
another, and show me from right and wrong. I love them so much that I don’t
know how I can live without them. Then, I have my loving parents; theirs my mom
who is always there for me when I need her, proving me clothing, help me keep my
head up. My dad is like somebody that I can be really goofy with, make sure
that nobody hurts me, and I can tell him anything. At the end my family loves
me for who I am, which that’s why I love them for. My favorite color is green,
because it reminds me of my grandma. Now you something’s about me.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Hey, my name is Alyza Rodriguez. I am 14 years old in the 9th grade. I am currently attending Sweetwater High and so far, I am really enjoying it here.
Lets start off by saying that my family means the world to me. Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. They have done so much for me and I am so greatful to have them as a part of my life. My family consists of my mom, which is my bestfriend too c: My dad, without him, I wouldn't know half of the things I know today. My sister, oh my what can I say about her. She's like my otherhalf. Without her, I wouldn't function properly. Shes the one I look up to. Last but definitely not least, my brother. We may fight like 95% of the time but hey, I love him. All in all, my family is amazing and I love them to death.
When I graduate highschool I am hoping to attend NYU. I would really like to attend NYU because it is known to be one of the top universities that offer a wide range in the medical field. My goal is to become either a pediatrician or and OB/GYN. I really enjoy being around kids and that is why I want to go towards that field. Knowing that I have to continue school for about 8-10 more years is a little overwhelming, but I am willing to surpass any challenge that comes my way. Patience, hard work, and dedication obviously pays off in the end. I know what I want to become, therefore I will do anything in my power to achieve it.
Hi, my name is Leslie Gutierrez I'm currently 13 years old & in the 9th grade. I would like to become a pediatrician but that takes a lot of years in education and training, & I'm not a big fan of school. :p I was born in San Bernandino, Redlands. I was raised in Tecate, a small city in Baja California, & later i came to National City and I've lived here since then. Some things about me: I'm shy & usually quiet around people i don't know. I'm really nice and outgoing, once you get to know me. (i don't look for trouble) I like to listen to any type of music & hangout with friends on my free time. I have a great family in which they support me and love me. (i think) Um so yeah that's everything there is to know bout me. (:
Hi my name is Sergio Fernandez Im fourteen years old i go to sweetwater high school.My favorite color is red and i play football for the freshmen team. I live in national city i have been living here for fourteen years. On my free time i like playing football with my friends omar & carlos wich i played football with last season and went on an undefeated winning season. My favorite football team is the Baltimore ravens my favorite player on that team is ray rice wich i admire and i would like to play in a nfl team like him.
Hello my name is Jason ,I am a hard worker when it comes to a job that someone need me to do.I also like to play sports like soccer,soccer is my life and dream.,I always dream about soccer no-matter what, its in my blood and i will not get tiered of playing it. I am in a soccer team and i am also the smallest one in the team, but that doesn't stop me from playing.Because theirs allot of people that are small that play sports, so i am not the only one.My favorite subjected is Math and P.E, why Math and P.E because in Math i like to solve problems for fun and in P.E i like to be active.I like to listen to music like rap a lot. I have a supportive family that care about me.My little brother and sister look up to me, its little hard to be the big brother because what ever i do they do it too, so i have to be careful of what i do cause i set an-example and i am their role model so that mean no mistakes.
Hi, my name is Jocelyne Barajas, i was born in Mexico and raised in San Diegoand i go to Sweetwater high im in 9th grade. One thing i really like is batman and i also want to go to college and be a veterinarian. Sometimes i can be very girly and other times i just don't care how i look or how i am. I try to do my best in school although sometimes i fail, some parent tell there kids that they have to go to college but my mom never tells me that because i know i need to go and i whant to go. On my free time i mostly like to go places, just be on my ipod, or listen to music. I dont really have a favorite type of music cause i just lisent to whatever. I love my mom because she has helped me thru every thing i get stuck on mostly in school. My bestfriend has also helped me in many stuff and shes always by my side and she has been like a sister to me. I love my family cause they are there for me whenever i need them but my sister can sometimes be the anoyingest person ever. Some more things about me are that i like to make friends but im kind of shy but i could be crazy at times too. I cant be what many people want me to be but i can try if i want to. My favorite singer is bruno mars, my favorite movie actor is johny depp, and my favorite actris is miley cyrus. Well i guess thats kind of everything people should know about who i am or how i am and what i like.
Alfredo Andujar
Hello :), My Name is Alfredo Andujar i m 13 years old ,From Los Angeles C.A , I am a very cool Guy i like to play sports such as soccer and basketball and i also like to play videogames like ps3 .My favorite thing to do is to play sports and be active because i dont like being bored at home :) . I been looking forward to highschool because i want to join soccer and also to meet new people . I like to help others when they have problems or need help i like being friendly and get along with others :).
My favorite activities are to go camping with my family over at L.a . I also like to travel alot when i grow up i am planing to travel to spain and many other places like Italy and France. My Favorite Food is pizza i mean who dosen't like pizza especially when its from Pizza Hut :) Anyways i like to be very organize i always want to do things perfect or almost perfect xD . My plans for the future are to go to college and get a carreer as a profesional soccer player . In My free time i like to watch scary movies because their my favorite , i also like music any type as long as is not boring . I Like to hang around with my friends and have fun i am not a boring person i like to be funny :) I also like reading only if its a interesting book or else i will fall asleep xD So As you can see thats me and the things i like to do :) .
My favorite activities are to go camping with my family over at L.a . I also like to travel alot when i grow up i am planing to travel to spain and many other places like Italy and France. My Favorite Food is pizza i mean who dosen't like pizza especially when its from Pizza Hut :) Anyways i like to be very organize i always want to do things perfect or almost perfect xD . My plans for the future are to go to college and get a carreer as a profesional soccer player . In My free time i like to watch scary movies because their my favorite , i also like music any type as long as is not boring . I Like to hang around with my friends and have fun i am not a boring person i like to be funny :) I also like reading only if its a interesting book or else i will fall asleep xD So As you can see thats me and the things i like to do :) .
Friday, August 2, 2013
Hello, my name is Steven Celaya,I was born in San Diego California, and I live in National City.I am 14 and I am the youngest of 2 children.I love to play basketball, golf. Also i like to play tennis just kidding i like playing pool. If you dont know what pool is it is a game that is played on a six pocket table, you use a cue stick to hit balls into one of the six pockets.I love music and family. I like to go with my friends to malls and other places.

The best time of the year is going at camping at La Jolla Indian Reservation. Every year family and friends go and we have about 70 people all together. We go at the end of June and we stay for 5 days.Me.cousins and my friends play cards, sports and lots of other things.
My favorite television shows are espn,that's 70 show and the old two and half men.My favorite movie is avatar. Avatar is about going into another world that has blue people and tribes. It is the best movie ever.These are the things that I like and love to do.
The best time of the year is going at camping at La Jolla Indian Reservation. Every year family and friends go and we have about 70 people all together. We go at the end of June and we stay for 5 days.Me.cousins and my friends play cards, sports and lots of other things.
My favorite television shows are espn,that's 70 show and the old two and half men.My favorite movie is avatar. Avatar is about going into another world that has blue people and tribes. It is the best movie ever.These are the things that I like and love to do.
Hi my name is Jaime Carrasco and i was born in Sandiego ,I am 14 years old and what i like to do during my free time is playing a sport. My favorite sport is Football and i like to play it whit my friends outside.I like to work hard so i could have better classes each year.My goal this year is to get AP classes, get good grades on my report card, and try to join the Football team.I like to watch any kind of movie and I like to try new things so i could learn from them.I like to be whit my family and go to places like go camping or go to the fair when its opened.My favorite type of music is hip hop and rap, My favorite rap singer is Eminem and my favorite song of Eminem is "Lose you're self ". The funnest place i would want to go again is universal studios. These are the teams that i go for Chargers,Padres,and Lakers ,the first time i went to a padres game i was so excited and happy because i caught a ball from the padres team and i saw my self on the big screen.Lastly,I am not the only child i have a little sister and we both like to play video games for PS3.
Hi, My name is Carlos Cepeda.
Hi, my name is Carlos Cepeda and I was born in San Diego, California.The Sports I like to play is Basketball and Tennis.Most of my family comes from Mexico in Torreon, Coahuila and Mexico City.I have 2 Older brothers that already graduated from Sweetwater and one of my brothers went to a University of UCDavis. In the High School my goals are to get Scholarships and get AP classes and stay in ROTC for 4 years. Also, Im the tallest of all my brothers.Lastly, I don't travel to Mexico anymore because of the killings and shootings in Torreon.
Hi, my name is Alexia Gomez I'm 14 years old and I am from National City. I like to draw...a lot. I also like to sing and write music. I look up to my dad because he is just a good person, down to earth and he is really funny. I can't see him to often though because he lives in the U.K.. I facetime him all the time though. Another thing I really like to do is hang out with my friends. I am not really outgoing and loud like most people I know , I am a really shy and quite person - reserved really. I don't really talk to people unless they talk to me first. I have a lot of things that I want to to do when I'm older. I am really into fashion design and hope to go to Julliard for college. If not Julliard then Harvard. If I where to pick my favorite singer and group it would probably be Austin Mahone and One Direction, a lot of people know that already. So that's what I am really all about. BYE!
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