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Sunday, October 27, 2013
In "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe, external conflicts is the device that plays larger role. He uses it when he says, "'Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore! Leave no black pump as token of thar lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken!-quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!'" It plays a large role because it shows the anger toward the Raven and it gives hints of the sorrow he feels inside.
In "The Incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, imagery is the device that plays a large role. He uses it when he says "I watched him him pinch one loom off and hold it to his nose- a connoisseur of roses- one bloom and then another. They strewed the earth around him." It plays a large role because the reader not only imagines this part and gets the feeling of a creepy character, but the reader imagines many other parts that make Death seem scary.
In "The Incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, imagery is the device that plays a large role. He uses it when he says "I watched him him pinch one loom off and hold it to his nose- a connoisseur of roses- one bloom and then another. They strewed the earth around him." It plays a large role because the reader not only imagines this part and gets the feeling of a creepy character, but the reader imagines many other parts that make Death seem scary.
In "The Raven" By Edgar Allan Poe, Rhyme scheme is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary." It plays a large role because you can hear the rhyme scheme while your reading it.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Donald Justice, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "A little cage of bone." It plays a larger role because it uses it to describe things like he was describing his hand.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Donald Justice, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "A little cage of bone." It plays a larger role because it uses it to describe things like he was describing his hand.
In "the raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, internal conflict is the device that plays a large role. He uses it when he says,"sorrow for the lost Lenore" it plays a large role to describe his personal conflict.
In ''The incident in the Rose Garden ''By Edgar Allan Poe , imagery is the device that plays a large role .He uses it when he says , '' who because he likes arriving at all appoinments early ...'' It plays a large role because it makes you think about it when they say that.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
The Revan and The incident in the Rose Garden
In the "Reven" by Edgar Allen Poe,Symbols and motifs is the device that plays a larger role.He uses it when he says,"Raven still bgviling all my fucy into smiling."It plays a large role becouse it makes it more scary.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edger Allen Poe, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says,"A little cage of bone."It plays a large role becouse it make think of the think it says and it makes it mare scary.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edger Allen Poe, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says,"A little cage of bone."It plays a large role becouse it make think of the think it says and it makes it mare scary.
In "The Raven" By Edgar Allan Poe, internal conflict is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore." Its play a large role because the speaker is thinking and we know how its affecting him.
In " the incident in the rose garden" By Edgar Allan Poe, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " he had his black coat on, black gloves, a broad black hat. " Its play a larger role because it explaining the person and if we go more detail, its in the garden about three people.
In " the incident in the rose garden" By Edgar Allan Poe, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " he had his black coat on, black gloves, a broad black hat. " Its play a larger role because it explaining the person and if we go more detail, its in the garden about three people.
Friday, October 25, 2013
In "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe symbols and motifs is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says " Uncertain rustling of each purple curtain thrilled me". It plays a large role because when you want to know the meaning of what the colors in the poem which its kind of a emotion or it tells a meaning of the poem.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, alliteration is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says"sir, you must be that stranger who threatened my gardener. This is my property sir. I welcome only friends here". It plays a large role because not all stanzas rhyme so they need alliteration to make them make sense.
In "The incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, alliteration is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says"sir, you must be that stranger who threatened my gardener. This is my property sir. I welcome only friends here". It plays a large role because not all stanzas rhyme so they need alliteration to make them make sense.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
In ''The Raven'' By Edgar Allan Poe, internal conflict is the device that plays a larger role .He uses it when he says , ''leave my loneliness unbroken -quit the bust above my door'' .it plays a large role because he is explaining that to leave his heart alone do not break it no more.
In ''The incident in the Rose Garden ''By Edgar Allan Poe , imagery is the device that plays a large role .He uses it when he says , '' who because he likes arriving at all appoinments early ...''It plays a large role because he is comparing it to a early occassion.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The raven
No one knows how Edgar Allan Poe died. He left to baltimore on september, 26 with a weak pulse and a fever.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Thing i found interesting about Edgar Allen Poe, that in 1846 its was a bad year for him because his wife died and he started drinking. According to them,he died because of drinking. Another thing I found interesting that he was born the same year when Abraham Lincoln was born. Also his mother was an actress so she hide him behind the stage when he was a baby.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The interesting fact that I found was that It was written in 1845, and it "numbers among the best known poems in national literature and that he is questioning the bird about his lost love and the bird is trying to make him get over his lost love.Another fact is that instead of raven he was gonna put a parrot but the parrot wouldn't be scary.
that is it!
Any posts entered after this will receive no credit. Great job to those who posted on time!!!
ms A
ms A
Some interesting facts about Edgar Allen Pole is that none knows why he died. He was only paid $9 for his poem "The Raven."
It was one of the most famous poems ever written. He loved the fame.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Facts about Poem/Poet
A interesting fact about the "Raven" Poem by Edgar Allan Poe, is that in his poem he repeats the "O" sound like when he says "nothing more", "nevermore", "Lenore" and "nevermore" .
Friday, October 18, 2013
Don't forget to cite your sources!!!
If you are copying and pasting, make sure you put the content in quotation marks. Also, cut
and paste the URL of the website you used!
On another note, if the fact you want to post is already posted by another student, you cannot post it. Also, if I discussed a fact in class, you cannot post it either.
Don't forget to cite your sources!
If you are copying and pasting, make sure you put the content in quotation marks. Also, coup and paste the URL of the website you used!
On another note, if the fact you want to post is already posted by another student, you cannot post it. Also, if I discussed a fact in class, you cannot post it either.
On another note, if the fact you want to post is already posted by another student, you cannot post it. Also, if I discussed a fact in class, you cannot post it either.
one sentence that i read from a poem is call Rose Garden.What it said in the poem "the gardener came running, An old man ,out of breath.Fear had given him legs". The meaning for the sentence is that an old man got so scared that he run so fast from the thing that scared him.other sentence that read read from a poem is Marigolds .what the it poem said is"whenever the memory of those marigold flashes across my mind ,a strange nostalgia comes with it and reminds long after the picture has faded". what it means is that garden with flowers is a good memory of the beautiful land that is in his mind that can easily go away.
The thing that i found the most interring was that his said the Plutonion.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I think bullying is wrong and it is a very serious topic. This picture shows that bullying affects people's life in many ways and someone should do something to stop it.

Monday, October 14, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Anti-Bullying Persuasive Ad
Saturday, October 12, 2013
This picture was posted by The words form a hand choking the victim and shows how words hurt emotionally and physically.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
this picture shows the effect of bullying, in the picture, the girl is being cyberbullied bc its through the internet and the effects of cyberbulling is that she is crying because it makes her feel bad
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